Law: Maliki will take the post of President of the Republic to replace infallible

Law: Maliki will take the post of President of the Republic to replace infallible

2017 – 09 – 24

Law - Maliki will take the post of President of the Republic to replace infallibleRevealed a coalition of state law on the possibility of taking Nuri al-Maliki as the presidency of the Republic, replacing the infallible if the referendum held the alleged Kurdistan.
The coalition said in a statement on Sunday that if the referendum held in Kurdistan on the twenty-fifth of this month, all government positions for the Kurds, including the presidency of the republic.
He added that “the position will be the entitlement of the first deputy to the presidency of Nuri al-Maliki in the event of a referendum.
According to experts in the law that President Fuad Masum has lost his legitimacy as President of the Republic for not fulfilling his national responsibilities and rejection of the referendum because it is contrary to the Iraqi constitution.