Kuwait urges Iraq to take concrete measures to address outstanding issues between the two countries

Kuwait urges Iraq to take concrete measures to address outstanding issues between the two countries


Kuwait urges Iraq to take concrete measures to address outstanding issues between the two countriesKuwaiti Prime Minister Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah called on Iraq to take tangible measures to address all pending issues between the two countries.
In his speech at the Gulf-European summit in Brussels, Al-Sabah said, “At the forefront of these files is the demarcation of the maritime borders beyond point 162 in accordance with international laws and conventions, and the completion of the file of prisoners, missing persons and Kuwaiti properties, including the national archives within the scope of the follow-up of the United Nations and in particular the Security Council.
” Al-Sabah urged “Iraq to adhere to the bilateral agreements related to the security and technical aspects of the navigational passage in Khor Abdullah, which are agreements that would enhance the concept of environmental conservation, regulate navigation, and combat terrorism and the illegal trade in weapons, drugs and human beings,” stressing “the importance of continuing the dialogue based on understanding and mutual respect between the two brotherly countries.”
He pointed out that “based on the belief in the principle of good neighborliness, Kuwait was keen to help Iraq rise up through close work aimed at restoring its regional status and position in a way that achieves the hopes of its brotherly people.”
On October 3, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein announced the imminent resumption of Iraqi-Kuwaiti negotiations to resolve outstanding problems between the two countries, noting “Iraq’s true desire to reach understandings to resolve existing differences.”
