Kuwait to the acquisition of Iraqi territory under the pretext of removing Iraq from Chapter VII
Nassif, calling on the government not to allow Kuwait to the acquisition of Iraqi territory under the pretext of removing Iraq from Chapter VII
11:31 2013-04-07
BAGHDAD – babysit – MP for the coalition demanded the Iraqi government free high Nassif not make out of Iraq from Chapter VII connected at a high price is the takeover of Kuwait on Iraqi soil.
She said in a statement received today news agency public opinion (and babysit) that “Iraq out of Chapter VII and termination of the Trusteeship internationalism it is a goal that as long as we have sought to achieve, but despite its importance can not be price takeover of Kuwait on Iraqi territory in Umm Qasr in any way “.
She added that “Iraq must come out of Chapter VII, sooner or later, but Iraqi territory that Kuwait stolen can not be compared in terms of importance remove Iraq from UN trusteeship.”
Nassif stressed the need for the Iraqi government aware of the fact what is happening and unbelievable lies Kuwait on Iraq out of Chapter VII for acceptance unjust and wrong demarcation of the border between the two countries. “P / h