Kuwait the first country in the world to impose DNA tests on all its citizens

Kuwait the first country in the world to impose DNA tests on all its citizens


Kuwait the first country in the world to impose DNA tests on all its citizensIn previous Globally, Kuwait passed a law requiring all Elmo
citizens conducting DNA tests in order to develop a database. According to this law after the terrorist attack that targeted a mosque Imam Sadiq (AS).
Kuwaitis became obligated to conduct DNA tests in accordance with the law of which the authorities want to database mode. And shed a prison sentence of one year and a fine of $ 33 thousand on each of the refuse to comply with such law.
State envisages under the controversial law that database allows it to arrest those involved in the terrorist attacks and quickly identify the victims in the event of terrorist attacks established.
With this law, will be Kuwait the first country in the world imposes on its citizens conducting tests of this kind, as the process is limited to a range of Western countries involved in the crimes, which are considered in this mandatory situation.
This comes law after the terrorist attack that targeted a mosque frequented by Shiites, resulting in the deaths of 26 people and injury 227 others injured. The attack was claimed the “Islamic state”.
The European Court, which consider the laws enacted by affiliated countries under the banner of the European Union, criticized in 2008 the collection of DNA data for non-criminals for being contrary to the principles of democracy.
