Kurds: Maliki step down or elections

Kurds: Maliki step down or elections


Kurds - Maliki step down or electionsBrother – Baghdad
The leader of the Kurdistan Alliance Mahma Khalil, Wednesday, that the best solution out of the crisis in the country is to hold early elections or the resignation of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki from office, while noting that the political blocs do not agree on the three presidencies, and this is what is causing the foil of the The second session of the Council of Representatives.

Khalil said in a statement for “Alsumaria News”, seen by the Agency for News News (et al) , that “the best solution out of the crisis through which the country is going to hold early elections,” noting that “the parliamentary elections that have been held In the tripartite of last April where a lot of skepticism by the political blocs except for the rule of law. ”

and demanded Khalil Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to “step down and give the opportunity for a candidate of the National Alliance to get out of the crisis,” he said, adding that this would “lead to a clear vision by blocs to form a government of national unity without exception hand or a component of it. ”

Khalil stressed that “the political blocs do not agree on the three presidencies, and this is what is causing the foil the second session of the House of Representatives is not in session at the time,” pointing out that “the security crisis and the political dominates the current situation in general and there is no interaction seriously by the masses out of them. ”

and MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati, on Tuesday (July 8, 2014), the chairman of the parliament made ​​holding the parliamentary session of the second to Sunday of next week, while excluded from the political blocs to reach an agreement on the formation of the government during the remainder of the hearing.

Iraq has been the security situation is exceptional since the declaration of a state of emergency in the (June 10, 2014), where the continuing military operations, the security for the expulsion of the organization “Daash” of areas where the provinces of Nineveh and Salahuddin, while continuing military operations in Anbar to meet the regulation.
