Kurdistan: our rights in four government ministries and demanded the oil or financial

Kurdistan: our rights in four government ministries and demanded the oil or financial

September 1, 2014 14:05

Kurdistan - our rights in four government ministries and demanded the oil or financialBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News … confirmed the Kurdistan Alliance MP Shirin Reza, said on Monday that the share of the Kurds in the next government, according to the system approved by the political blocs will be four overalls and one of them sovereign, indicating that the Kurds demanded that the Ministry of Finance or oil.
Said Reza told / Baghdadi News / “The political blocs agreed to be the distribution of ministries in the next government, according to the number of deputies of each block in the parliament, and the preparation of deputies of the Kurdistan Alliance gives us four and visited one of them sovereign,” pointing out that “the Kurds have not demanded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “.
She added that “we did not demand the foreign ministry of Kozyrah sovereign but we called in one of the two ministries either financial or oil,” adding that “the delegation negotiating the Kurdistan who went to Baghdad again discuss the ministries that call for them in the new government with the National Alliance in the case of agreement on the demands made by the Kurds to participate in government. ”
She said, “After negotiations between Kurdistan and the National Alliance, there must be flexibility between the parties until it is to reach agreements to form a government to achieve the legitimate demands of the Kurds,” pointing out that “the Kurds did not demand the implementation of Article 140 of the Constitution in the day and night but there is a normalization of areas under the provision of Article 140 to conduct a census and two years after the formation of the government is the report of the fate of these areas in accordance with the legal and constitutional contexts. ”
And on the region’s share of the budget confirmed satisfaction that “the budget was affected by the problems of personal between the region’s president, Massoud Barzani and Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki, the result was made for a large segment of the Iraqi people, but they are Kurds,” likely to be “the region’s share of the budget is subject to negotiation Kurdistan (PUK) and the National Alliance. ”
He was charged with forming a government, Haider al-Abadi called, on Wednesday (13 August 2014), the political blocs to appoint representatives to agree on ministerial portfolios, while stressing the need to be candidates for bags of national competencies.
The President of the Republic of Iraq Fuad Masum has on Monday (8/11/2014), commissioned by the leader of the Dawa Party, Haider Abadi form a new government after announcing that the National Alliance, the largest bloc and that he Abadi candidate for prime Aovernmh.anthy 21 / j
