Kurdistan is planning to extend the oil pipeline linked to the Turkish port to export one million barrels in 2015

Kurdistan Regional Government is planning to extend the oil pipeline linked to the Turkish port of Ceyhan to export one million barrels in 2015

Friday, October 05, 1 / Okrudolf 2012 14:16

[Erbil – where]

Kurdistan Regional Government announced its intention to set up another pipeline to transport crude oil linking fields in the region, Turkey.

The Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government Ashti Hawrami in an energy conference in the Turkish capital Ankara that “the provincial government is planning to set up a pipeline to transport oil linking fields in the region’s oil line last is linked to the port of Ceyhan, which will be of this line has the capacity to transport one million barrels of oil per day “.

“The provincial government has prepared a tender project to come into effect,” adding that “the Kurdistan Regional Government has the intention to raise the level of oil production of 250 thousand barrels to one million barrels in 2015,” without referring to the date of completion of the project.

Hawrami continued “We also will work to increase this amount to up to two million barrels per day by the year 2019,” stressing that “this project is in the interest of the Iraqi people and the interests of Turkey.”

And announced on September 13 of the current agreement central Gmuten and the Kurdistan region includes the payment of foreign oil companies operating in the region, compared to the latter to raise its oil production to 200 thousand barrels per day.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Rose Nuri Shaways in last Tuesday [2 September] start and the Federal Ministry of Finance to pay dues oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region.

The Kurdistan Regional Government has announced the beginning of April last stop exporting oil from the region until further notice, claiming a lack of commitment the federal government in Baghdad to pay dues to companies working for him, pointing out that “after consultations with the producing companies have taken the decision to stop exports until further notice, hoping to be This procedure temporarily and understands officials in the federal government that the non-payment of dues and failing to abide by the agreements is not in the benefit of the Iraqi people. ”

The odds between Arbil and Baghdad on 41 oil contracts signed by the provincial government since 2007 until now, and see the central government in Baghdad that any oil contract must be done with their consent.

And experiencing the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil tension continues the disagreements political, constitutional and some outstanding issues, notably the contracts oil province and management of oil wealth and material [140] of the Constitution for the normalization of the situation in the disputed areas and management of border crossings, airports and arming the Peshmerga forces, and other administrative powers and legal. Ended .
Source: alliraqnews