Kurdistan is heading to the Declaration of Independence oil
Kurdistan is heading to the Declaration of Independence oil
The time on Sunday, 10 March / March 2013 08:32 | |
Baghdad / Orr News
The leader of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc of the Iraqi Council of Representatives Muhsin al-Sadoun said the Kurdistan Regional Government will announce oil independence from the central government in Baghdad.
He pointed out that Article 112 of the Constitution gave the power of the territory to manage the oil Public, this article will be implemented through non-compliance with the export of oil, according to Sadoun.
And enhances the directions KRG toward more economic independence, is what was announced by Kurdish source close to the Government of the Territory, in a press statement, that “in light of the continued repetition of hostile attitudes from the federal government against the government of the region, and the creation of dozens of problems and crises with her about the simplest things addressed by the Constitution, and encroachment of the federal authority on human Kurdistan constitutional, and the neglect of their demands basic, first and foremost pay dues of oil companies and balancing the Peshmerga and the rest of the financial disputes, the policy of the current government headed by Barzani is heading in the future towards greater economic independence from the center ” .
The source, who requested anonymity, “although it is still a chance to overcome those problems and disagreements, but in the event negotiations fail next on resolving the outstanding problems between Erbil and Baghdad, this option will be the desired option in order to continue the region in achieving its economic and development.”
The Kurdish members of the Iraqi parliament boycotted the Thursday session to vote on the budget this year, in protest at the amount allocated for the payment of oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, said Kurdish lawmaker Rose Khoshnaw The draft budget did not include any of the demands of the Kurds.
The open dispute over the budget a new front in a long dispute between the central government and the Kurdistan Region, has signed powers of the latter in recent years contracts with international oil companies independently without the approval of Baghdad, says the region that the central government owes him more than four trillion Iraqi dinars (3.5 billion dollars) to cover the costs incurred by the oil companies operating there over the past three years, but Baghdad adheres to the illegality of the contracts between Iraqi Kurdistan and foreign oil companies.
Has been allocated within the budget 750 billion dinars ($ 644 million) for the oil companies operating in Kurdistan, including major companies such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron of the Americas and Russia’s Gazprom denied.
Baghdad demands
In contrast, demanding Baghdad Government of the Territory ten billion dollars, and says it export revenues territory of the quantities of crude oil during the years that followed in 2008, and demanded that the central government deduct benefits oil companies operating in Kurdistan of this amount, and re-balance to the central treasury of the state.
The Kurdistan Alliance bloc announced before passing the federal budget it will challenge in the project before the Federal Court if they are passed without response to the demands of the block, which is not just about entitlements oil companies in Kurdistan but also a dispute over Article 140 of the fate of Kirkuk, as well as the dispute over the budget peshmerga.
It should be noted that Iraqi Kurdistan authorities began months ago in the export of crude oil to the world market directly through Turkey by truck without taking the approval of the central government. The subject of control of the oil center of the conflict between Baghdad and the Government of the Territory, where First insists it her constitutional right to exclusively in the export of oil.
Previously, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq halted shipment of crude oil through the pipeline vector to the Turkish port of Ceyhan and the Baghdad-controlled, because of renewed conflict on the dues of the oil companies operating in the region.