Kurdistan: If negotiations fail with Maliki, we will leave the entire political process
Kurdistan: If negotiations fail with Maliki, we will leave the entire political process
16/04/2013 (23:01 pm)
Baghdad / Wael grace
Revealed committees bargaining coalitions of Kurdistan and the national agreement on the formation of two committees and financial security to pursue the outstanding issues between the parties with respect to the legal status of the Tigris and the amendments to the budget law.
As expressed National Alliance willingness to increase the number of committees to more than two to accommodate all the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, said Kurdistan Alliance that the negotiations conducted by the National is a “recent”, linking the return of his ministers to the government and his deputies to parliament success, likely the final withdrawal from the political process if it fails.
said Vice President of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in parliament Mohsen al-Sadoun said the last meeting, which brought together the National Alliance resulted in an agreement to form two committees, “the first concerned with the security aspect and the second looking at the financial aspects of the relationship between the alliances.”
said Saadoun, one of the negotiators for the Kurdish side in contact with the “long” yesterday that he “was supposed to hold another meeting last Saturday, but it coincided with a vote Special to the military, which led to postponed for a later time, “likely to be delayed negotiation rounds again because of security breaches recently.
meanwhile, said the head of the Kurdistan Islamic Union affiliated to the Kurdistan Alliance said the last meeting held by the MPs and ministers alliance with the president of the province was the “Review What has been agreed upon between the PKK and the National Alliance. ”
said MP Najib Abdullah, one of the negotiators, too, in an interview with the “long” yesterday that the Kurdistan Alliance wants from behind the formation of two committees to follow up on issues of security and finance in the last meeting with the National Alliance to be canceled Operations Command Tigris because they are outside the Constitution, “stressing that the Constitution and Article 21 of the law of the provinces confirms that” the powers of security within the cities responsibility to maintain and the military role in the Constitution outside the border. ”
On the other hand explained Abdullah that the Kurdistan Alliance will be discussed through the Finance Committee observations on the amendments the budget law and the sanctions imposed on the region to export oil, as well as determine the number and clear for the salaries of the Peshmerga and other issues related to oil.
revealed negotiator for the Kurdistan Alliance, said his bloc bent and is no doubt on the grounds negotiations conducted by the National Alliance is “recent”, pending the return of MPs Ministers Coalition meetings the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives to the result of the talks.
Abdullah said that the Kurdistan Alliance now has a “conviction saying that if negotiations fail, will come out of the political process fully,” pointing out that if successful will resume the coalition to the meetings of Ministers and the Parliament.
and wishes MP Kurdistan Alliance to be the National Alliance more serious in the current negotiations and that leaves the policy of “endings bulk,” stressing that “the political process is built on the basis of consensus and balance and can not remain in a government unique to a person or group.”
to the male deputy negotiator for the National Alliance Khalid al-Asadi “long” that “the recent meetings between the National Alliance and the Kurdistan confirmed the adoption of the two parties on a range of grounds, mainly the adoption of dialogue within the Constitution and resorting to calm and not to escalate the media, in addition to setting the agenda to resolve dilemmas, according to his priority and importance.”
and pointed out that “stuck parties of the Kurdistan Alliance cancel operations of the Tigris and the rest of the issues between the parties will be dealt with according to the constitution, “but Asadi did not touch for more details as if it will approve the National Alliance to solve the operations of the Tigris or not.
was Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was officially announced last Friday that he put Minister Kurds in his government leave arrest “the sake of their own,” and stressed that if the dish was the law they would have been dismissed after ten days of boycott of Masthm, while stressing that the government demands against the demands carried by the delegation of the Kurdistan region of Iraq, stressing that he will not accept to negotiate According to the preconditions.