Kurdistan have indicated their willingness to resolve all disputes with Baghdad

Kurdistan have indicated their willingness to resolve all disputes with Baghdad

27/8/2016 10:19

Kurdistan have indicated their willingness to resolve all disputes with Baghdad{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, the region is ready to resolve all disputes with Baghdad through dialogue.
This came in, greeted the Republican senator from Texas, John Comey, and his accompanying delegation.
He Barzani during the meeting that ” the Kurdistan region is always working on relief and receive and save the vulnerable , ” adding , “But the capabilities of the region are limited, and the international community, particularly the United States ‘ support region “, thanking” coalition countries, especially the United States for its support for the Kurdistan region militarily since the beginning of the risk of terrorists Daesh the region. ”
on the relations between Baghdad and Arbil, Barzani said that” the region is ready to resolve all problems with Baghdad through dialogue , “and expressed hope that ” the coming period is witnessing many meetings and meetings between the two sides to increase coordination and cooperation, provided that the connector clear prospect of political, security, social and humanitarian and development side.”
He added that ” the Peshmerga forces managed to achieve a lot of big victories on the outskirts of Mosul and opened many fronts for the liberation of the city the rest of the areas that still lie under the control of Daesh. ”
for his part , Senator Kumi during the meeting , expressed his happiness to visit the Kurdistan region, pointing to the ” admiration for the courage and bravery of the Peshmerga forces at up their wounds legend pseudo – terrorists, and thanks on behalf of the American people , the people and government of the Kurdistan region to receive a large number of displaced people and refugees and provide services to them. ”
and edit Mosul, the senator stressed the” need for a strong coordination between Erbil and Baghdad and the coalition to fight the battle, and stressed the need to remove the anxiety that prevails in the psyches of citizens in Mosul and the Sunni parties to guarantee the rights of everyone , “and expressed” support for the support the international community for the Kurdistan region, where he is expected exodus of the largest number of citizens of the province “.anthy
