Kurdistan Commission announces participation rates in the referendum (expanded)

Kurdistan Commission announces participation rates in the referendum (expanded)

2017/9/26 0:37

Kurdistan Commission announces participation rates in the referendum(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The Electoral Commission and the referendum in the Kurdistan region, said that the participation rate in the referendum that took place on Monday amounted to 72.16%.
“We are scheduled to announce the results of the referendum within the next 72 hours,” UNHCR spokesman Shirwan Zerari told a news conference after voting in the independence referendum ended.
“The number of those who were entitled to vote in the referendum was 4 million 581 thousand and 255 people,” Zerari said.
He explained that “the number of participants in the referendum amounted to three million and 305 thousand and 925 citizens,” noting that “the participation rate in the referendum reached 72.16%.”
“A large number of citizens from areas outside the region who live in IDP camps as well as internally displaced people participated in the operation and their numbers, according to preliminary statistics, reached 497,190,” a UNHCR statement said.
“For those who vote abroad, there are no official statistics. They voted in an electronic manner and numbered 98,000 and 945 people,” he added.
The Kurdistan region on Monday held a referendum on secession from Iraq, including the disputed areas and the province of Kirkuk and closed the ballot boxes at 7 pm after the extension of the referendum for one hour.
The Electoral Commission in Kurdistan, which began counting and sorting immediately after the closure of funds that the participation rate until 5 pm on Monday, 76%.
The referendum was held despite the rejection of the federal government and neighboring countries, regional and international community except Israel.
Baghdad has said it will never recognize the referendum as unconstitutional and threatens the unity of Iraq and the region
