Kurdistan Alliance: We will not attend the budget discussion unless the dispute is resolved with the government

Kurdistan Alliance: We will not attend the budget discussion unless the dispute is resolved with the government

Saturday, February 22, 2014 17:17

Kurdistan Alliance: We will not attend the budget discussion unless the dispute is resolved with the governmentBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. confirmed that the Kurdistan Alliance parliamentary bloc, on Saturday that deputies will not attend the debate on the draft budget in parliament unless resolved all the differences between the provincial government and the federal government.
The leader of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Khalil Mahma L / Baghdadi News /, that “deputies Alliance bloc will not attend the debate on the draft budget in the case included in the agenda for the meeting tomorrow, Sunday or any another hearing unless resolved all the differences between the two governments and federal Kurdistan region.”
Khelil said, that “the negotiations conducted by the Prime Minister with the President of the provincial government did not fail as portrayed by some, but it was positive and the results will appear within a period for quite some time.”
The number of members of the House of Representatives has confirmed that the Presidency of the Parliament will be included such as reading of the draft budget in the first session on Sunday, although the schedule announced by the Presidency, which is devoid of the inclusion of the budget bill. Finished / 21 / N
