Kurdistan Alliance announces the end of the “era of national partnership”

Kurdistan Alliance announces the end of the “era of national partnership”

Published 10/03/2013 10:01 AM

BAGHDAD – “arenas of Liberation”
He Kurdistan Alliance pass federal budget without the presence of any Kurdish lawmaker indication of the end of an era of national partnership, pointing to the coalition being alone “rule of law” authority, which was built on the basis of partnership and balance and national consensus.
The coalition spokesman MP supporter Tayyip told the newspaper “Middle East” of London, that “the foundations upon which the political process from the beginning is compatibility, balance and partnership, and we started we note that there is a clear breach in many of the critical issues and important,” adding that ” pass the fiscal budget without the presence of even Kurdish lawmaker and one is a serious indicator on the end of an era of national partnership, which is the principle of fixed not in the current Iraqi constitution even in the constitutions of ancient Iraq, the established principle is that Kurds and Arabs are partners in the homeland. ”

Ok added that “every reason in what is going on is prejudice to the foundations of partnership and balance, as well as the lack of confidence and lack of respect for agreements with the Kurdistan Regional Government.” He pointed out that “during the meeting held by the President of the Kurdistan region with representatives of the Kurdish blocs in the federal government and the House of Representatives, the decision to invite Minister Kurds and Deputy Prime Minister in the federal government to consult in order to make a crucial decision in the coming days.”
