Kurdish source reveals the biggest spy station for “CIA” in Arbil
Kurdish source reveals the biggest spy station for “CIA” in Arbil
30/06/2015 12:43 GMT
Follow-up – and babysit – revealed the Kurdish political analyst Ribawar Abdullah, on Tuesday, the opening of the largest international spy station’s (CIA) “CIA” in the Middle East, the governorate of Erbil.
Abdullah said that “Central Intelligence Agency” CIA “, opened the largest spy regional sub-station in the Middle East near the northern Iraqi province of Irbil airport.”
He added that “the Kurdistan Regional Government claims that this ad hoc advisers Americans the station, but in fact is an international spy station,” noting that “the Kurdistan Regional Government approved the establishment of the station as a kind of protection her as well as get on the movements of confidential information on some countries.”
Abdullah explained that “the response in Kurdistan leaders leaked information about this station and confirmed the presence of senior officers of the” CIA “in that station as well as a very compact development via satellite devices,” noting that “this station focused effort to spy on Iran, Baghdad and Syria “.