Kurdish MP: On Abadi resign from his party to be independent of the government

Kurdish MP: On Abadi resign from his party to be independent of the government

04/04/2016 9:56

Kurdish MP - On Abadi resign from his party to be independent of the government[Wayne – special]
demanded the deputy for the coalition of Kurdish blocs, Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, to resign from his party Dawa Party, to be the first independent government. ”
The MP Shirin Reza told all of Iraq [where] “We wanted to Abadi starts his own change and resign from his party, in order to be the first independent in the government, to vote on the names of the candidates as independents Minister, and it remains state of the argument of the political blocs.”
She noted that ” parliamentary committees studying the names of the candidates Minister and Tdqgaha and determine who benefit from the lack of it , and then will be presented to the House of Representatives to see them. ”
She said satisfaction that” we as Kurds we hope to deal with us as a nationality, not a component, and to take the opinion of the Kurdish parties, which specifies the names of ministers technocrats ” . He
is scheduled to House of Representatives held on Monday its regular where the position of ministerial cabin where Thal Speaker Salim al – Jubouri , to settle Monday ‘s session “will put a timely manner to address Are we facing a new government lineup or a cabinet reshuffle to move to dealing with the names and consideration in the parliament , ” declaring for directing the integrity Commission and the justice and accountability statement on its position on the eligibility of candidates for ministerial positions safety. ”
the blessings of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi parliament last Thursday a list of the new ministerial his booth include biographies of 14 candidates closed envelope to the Presidium of the parliament , but hours after the publication of the names of candidates and wide widely in the media.
