Kurdish lawmaker: the dollar artificially high price crisis to crack down on Iraq market
Kurdish lawmaker: the dollar artificially high price crisis to crack down on Iraq market
13/04/2015 10:05 GMT
Follow-up – and babysit – counting the Kurdistan Alliance MP Majid Chenkali, high dollar prices in the Iraq crisis fabricated by some quarters, stressing the need to control the deployment of government agencies to control the stock market.
He Chenkali, on Monday, in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit), a copy of it on Monday, “The rise in the dollar price in the domestic market, exacerbating Iraq’s economic crisis,” stressing “the need that the government is aware of the gravity of economic situation in Iraq.”
“The rise in the dollar over the past few days, is intended by some authorities to crack down on Iraq’s financial market.”
He Chenkali that “artificial crisis and the government must publish destinations regulators to control the stock market,” adding that “the central bank Tsairth not changed for the dollar but aspirants in the Iraqi market behind the rise in prices.”
“The rise will lead to a recession a lot of goods and stop buying and selling in the markets, so the regulators and Finance in the government that is going joint detachments of the police and the Office of Financial Supervision.”
The Iraqi market is witnessing a remarkable rise in the US dollar against the dinar.