Kurdish lawmaker: The delegation of the region to achieve positive results in his visit Baghdad

Kurdish lawmaker: The delegation of the region to achieve positive results in his visit Baghdad

08.30.2016 12:51

Kurdish lawmaker - The delegation of the region to achieve positive results in his visit Baghdad[Where – special]
Deputy for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, on Tuesday, the Kurdistan region delegation arrive at positive results in the outstanding issues during his visit to Baghdad on Monday.
He said Sirhan Ahmed told all of Iraq [where] that ” the delegation region discuss the outstanding issues with the center that needs radical solutions to those differences , ” pointing out that ” the talks are going according to the good atmosphere and positive results.”
A delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government has reached the capital Baghdad yesterday held a series of meetings , including with Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, the two sides agreed to hold technical talks between the oil Ministry and the Federal mineral wealth in the region on issues related to the production and distribution of oil through the region and the Kirkuk oilfields.
