Kurdish deputy calls on Abdul Mahdi to seriously open files of corruption and include the region

Kurdish deputy calls on Abdul Mahdi to seriously open files of corruption and include the region


Kurdish deputy calls on Abdul Mahdi to seriously open files of corruption and include the regionKurdish bloc of change, Hoshyar Abdullah, Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi to open files of corruption related to figures in the current government and former governments in conjunction with the opening of the Green Zone, and include the fight against corruption in Iraq in full, including the Kurdistan region.
Abdullah said in a statement today, “While we commend the establishment of Abdul Mahdi, this step of opening the Green Zone fully in front of citizens, after there were promises to open but did not implement and not just a media fuss, we hope to open with the Green Zone all files The corruption related to figures in the current government and previous governments, especially that there are names known to have suspicions of corruption and there is evidence of corruption, and thus we hope that Abdul Mahdi seriously in opening files corruption and was seriously in the opening of the Green Zone.
“In accordance with the Constitution and the federal laws, the fight against corruption must be comprehensive at the level of Iraq in full, that includes Kurdistan, and not only in the provinces of the federal government, especially that the region has a lot of corruption files waiting for those who open it and hold those involved.”
