Kurdish delegation negotiating reach Baghdad today and leads the demands of Article 140

Kurdish delegation negotiating reach Baghdad today and leads the demands of Article 140

08/21/2014 14:58

Kurdish delegation negotiating reach Baghdad today and leads the demands of Article 140

BAGHDAD / obelisk: scheduled to arrive in the Kurdish delegation negotiating to form a new Iraqi government to the capital of Baghdad on Thursday.

A parliamentary source said in an interview for “obelisk” “It is supposed to arrive in Baghdad today Kurdish delegation negotiating to form a government headed by Hoshyar Zebari and membership Raundozi and Jalal essence and the rest of the members from the small Kurdish parties.”

The source, who requested anonymity, said that “the delegation carries with it several files, including Article 140 and the oil and gas law and the payment of the Peshmerga forces and the subject of cutting the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan region.”

The MP for the State of Law bloc high Nassif described, the first on Tuesday, the demands of the Kurdistan Alliance negotiating to form a government of “crippling”, calling for political blocs to leave Almokhtlvat and agree on the participants.

It is said that President Mohamed Fouad Masum was commissioned in August 11 current candidate Haider Abadi, the biggest bloc to form a government within 30 days.

Facing Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi significant challenges to the formation of the government, including the requirement of some of the blocks to achieve Mtalibha before participating in the formation of the government, making it the embarrassment in front of the constitutional deadline to form a government before the tenth of next September.
