Kurdish bloc: Legislation of the oil law will grant the producing provinces rights

Kurdish bloc: Legislation of the oil law will grant the producing provinces rights


Kurdish bloc - Legislation of the oil law will grant the producing provinces rightsInformation / Baghdad..
The representative of the New Generation Bloc, Omid Muhammad, affirmed, on Monday, that the oil and gas law legislation will grant the rights of the oil-producing provinces, indicating that the law legislation will resolve differences over the oil file.

Muhammad said in an interview with Al-Maalouma agency, “The legislation of the law finds a radical solution to the oil and gas problems between the federal government and the regional government, which represents one of the outstanding problems between the two sides.”

He added, “The oil and gas law is one of the controversial laws, and a political agreement must be found on it outside the parliament to remove obstacles in its path.”

He pointed out that “the legislation of the law puts everyone before their powers and defines them clearly, which will eliminate the differences that currently exist regarding the oil file.”

The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee confirmed Parliament’s intention to legislate the oil and gas law during the current session, while noting that approving the law would contribute to resolving the problems between Baghdad and Erbil.
