Kubler: the development of the private sector in Iraq, a common goal for the Iraqi government and the United Nations

Counting the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Martin Kobler development of the Iraqi private sector to achieve the common goal of economic growth for the Iraqi government and the United Nations, noting that growth is facing challenges as a result of the country’s dependence on the economy one.

The deputy secretary-general of the United Nations George Posten for Kobler as saying in the first conference of businessmen in Iraq, which was held under the auspices of the office of Mr. Hakim said on Saturday that “the role of the private sector is critical to the economy of Iraq as a partner working for the development of Iraq,” noting that “the UN has attached great interest in recent years in recognition of the key role that the private sector can tell him not to economic development and the increase in the productivity of the country, but also in securing a sustainable future in the future of Iraq. “

He added, “The development of the Iraqi private sector as one of the elements to achieve economic growth in Iraq a common goal for the Iraqi government and the United Nations where both Iraq has the potential large commercial but still faces challenges due to the decades passed to the country’s dependence on the economy per rely mainly on oil revenues next the private sector is weak and has little role and lacks the incentive pay to Achieve and development of its activities and the current economy is still characterized by the dominance of the state. “

He Posten that “state-owned companies controlled on a variety of sectors managed by several ministries and suffer these companies overcrowding staff and weakness in the production and the lack of profit on the other hand dominate the private sector small and suffer from competition the government sector and foreign companies that enjoy the support of large. “

He continued by saying that ” these companies that engage in acts Almhesaraa small and medium also suffer from a lack of capital in addition to his lack of many developments and techniques technological modern but can change presence Alaqktsada Iraqi if was abandoned vision of the current economic which are subject to state control and dependence on oil and the direction and adoption economic model more diversity and sustainability in addition to the lack of private sector and even the official him to the denial of a formal structure to organize itself and make way for workers successful, which weakens the role and makes it difficult Altbu economical companies that held with companies and potential parties of government making those Alscherkat vulnerable to corruption and the absence of effective Also, the participation of women and youth in the activities is very limited because of the scarcity of opportunity to achieve these two categories to the market so it makes not to exploit human capital adequate Balkaddr “.

He Posten “I have worked UN firms Iraq during these years to Aasjat working environment conducive characterized events transparency and Amkaneph Predict Bmattiyadtha enable the private sector growth was affected similar free resource Taijaa socially and environmentally and economically and to contribute to economic diversification and sustainable development and the alleviation of stepped poverty, where we find the face particular private sector development project involving the {7} agencies of the United Nations, led by UNDP UN with close cooperation with the government and private sector partners will contribute the results pave the way for the development of the private sector in both political reform and Altdkhalalt and at the planning level and at the level of achievements limit now is a road map and start to develop small and medium -sized enterprises and work on form Mchaaraa body small to Almmsth and a mechanism to invest include Iraq’s industrial strategy “.
