KRG is considering dealing in U.S. dollars or printed work, especially the region to cope with the lack of Iraqi dinar
Kurdistan Regional Government is considering dealing in U.S. dollars or printed work, especially the region to cope with the lack of Iraqi dinar
June 21, 2014
According to observers, economists that the Kurdistan region of Iraq may be forced in the coming period, to deal in U.S. dollars, or printed currency of its own, as a result of the lack of Iraqi currency in the banks of the region, resulting from the continuation of the Iraqi government not to send the salaries of the staff of the region, and the adoption of the latter on oil money Kurdistan, which is sold in U.S. dollars. escalated the crisis since the beginning of this year, after the Iraqi government decided to cut staff salaries and financial benefits for the region and not to send any amount of history to the Kurdistan region, while appreciating the salaries of employees of the region b (580) billion dinars Iraqis per month, which led to the fiscal imbalance in the region, which pays the salaries of its staff and accruals investors financial Iraqi dinar. network quoted a “Basenyoz” Kurdish, a member of the Finance Committee of the Parliament of Kurdistan Ali Hama Salih, saying that the region in front of three options to get out of crisis the scarcity of the Iraqi dinar in the banks of Kurdistan, either that we are in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq, or dealing in U.S. dollars, or print its own currency region, noting that “the Government of the Territory have shown its ability to print its own currency in Kurdistan.” and ruled out the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance of Iraq Fadel prophet, who resigned recently, and there is a shortage in the Iraqi dinar in the Kurdistan Region, adding that “the Iraqi dinar is still available in the region in sufficient quantity,” according to Al Bayan UAE. added that the increase in demand for the Iraqi dinar, will lead to a rise in its exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, The Government of the Territory will be able then to solve the problem of lack of dinar by opening the door to buy it through a sub-central bank in each of Sulaimaniyah and Arbil. turn announced branch manager Erbil Central Bank for “lack of shortage in the quantity of the Iraqi dinar in the Kurdistan region,” explaining that ” Iraqi dinar is still available in abundance outside the bank, in addition to a good amount of Kurdish existing banks. ”