Kirkuk council: Baghdad rejected our proposals on oil swap with neighboring countries

Kirkuk council: Baghdad rejected our proposals on oil swap with neighboring countries

August 18, 2014 12:19

Kirkuk council - Baghdad rejected our proposals on oil swap with neighboring countriesKIRKUK / Baghdadi News / .. announced the Kirkuk Provincial Council, on Monday night, the refusal of the Ministry of Oil for proposals on oil swap with neighboring countries.
The deputy chairman of the Commission on oil and energy in the province of Kirkuk, Najat Hussein reporter / Baghdadi News /, that “the oil ministry rejected all our proposals Judge exchanging material with black oil with gasoline neighboring countries to resolve the crisis.”
Hussain added that “there are companies working on the distribution of oil in Kirkuk at $ 1250 dinars per liter.”
The town of Kirkuk, the center of the province of Kirkuk, (255 km north-east of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad), and includes a mix population of Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen, one of the disputed areas between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Arbel.anthy 12 / t