Khazali refuses to consider the Sudanese government “the last chance” for Iraq

Khazali refuses to consider the Sudanese government “the last chance” for Iraq

2023-03-10 03:41

Khazali refuses to consider the Sudanese government the last chance for IraqShafaq News/ On Friday, the Secretary-General of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Qais Khazali, refused to consider the federal government headed by Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani as the last chance for the political process and the current regime that was formed in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime by the US forces and their allies in the spring of 2003.

This came in a speech he delivered today during the second annual tribal festival to commemorate the Shaaban uprising and the fatwa of the competent jihad, which was held in Dhi Qar Governorate, southern Iraq.

Khazali said in his speech that there are those who say, “This government is the last chance, and we answer them that there is no such thing as the last chance,” adding, “We are the people of this country, and no one has the right to define our opportunities for us, and say: This is the last chance.” to you”.

“No one can turn back the clock,” he added, noting that “if someone fails, there will be someone who will replace him and succeed, and we must succeed (…) We are the sons of this people who defended this country and we can defend it once.” others, and no one can rob us of building the state.”

Al-Khazali went on to say: We must know very well that our sacrifices must be crowned with success and the achievement of the result, and success and the achievement of the result of the sacrifices happen through this people ruling their children, noting that success and the achievement of the result is achieved through success in the state-building experience.

And I consider that “the real challenge now that the enemies of Iraq stand behind is to prevent us from succeeding in building the state,” noting that “the people of the Euphrates and the south are able to launch these revolutions and rule Iraq because of their expertise.”