Khazali criticizes Abadi’s remarks: He will not take you back as prime minister
Khazali criticizes Abadi’s remarks: He will not take you back as prime minister
The leader of “Asaib Ahl al-Haq” Qais al-Khazali, on Thursday, the head of the victory coalition, Haider Abadi, because of the latter’s comments on the popular crowd.
“Abadi’s recent remarks against the popular crowd are very unfortunate, and it is surprising to continue and confirm them,” Khazali said in a tweet at the social networking site Twitter.
“Al-Abadi should know that the project to dissolve the popular crowd or dissolve it has ended its mandate, and that these positions will not benefit in his return to the premiership, and his past hostile positions of the crowd did not benefit in the installation.”
A spokesman for the Popular Struggle Organization in Iraq, Abdul Hadi al-Darraji, said on Thursday that former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is being dragged behind the campaigns of the enemies of Iraq.
He said in a press statement that “the problems raised by the crowd in terms of the presence of spacemen (names of fake fighters) and the exploitation of some of their positions or capabilities is no different from the problems raised throughout our armed forces, but why focus on the crowd and not to deal with the phenomenon in all our armed forces, A constructive nation that seeks solutions, not to insult, challenge and question the suspicions of the crowd only. ”
“We are surprised that the former prime minister is involved in these campaigns from the enemies of Iraq at home and abroad, especially with the popular crowd.”
Al-Darraji noted that “Abadi is the first official as commander-in-chief during the years since he assumed the post of prime minister and until October 24, 2018. The allegation that he referred to the violations during his responsibility is not enough for the highest official in the state and the armed forces,
The former Prime Minister Haider Abadi said recently that “there are fake names in the popular crowd, leaders receive in the crowd under the salaries of people who do not exist on the ground”