Khamenei: Snhrq close the Iranian nuclear deal

Khamenei: Snhrq close the Iranian nuclear deal

Published on: 6-15-2016, 14:10

Khamenei - Snhrq close the Iranian nuclear dealBAGHDAD – Ibrahim Kikhany

He said Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on the lack of importance of the candidates for the presidency of US threats over Iran’s nuclear program, stressing that Abran burn close the nuclear deal if the candidates he backed up.

Khamenei said in an interview I followed “Sky Press” that “the threat of attempts by candidates for the American presidency is not important.”

He added that “if the threats turned out to be the fact, Iran will burn the nuclear deal,” adding that he “does not see any difference between Republicans and Democrats.”

Khamenei noted that “sanctions have not yet lifted although Iran fulfill its commitments and Iranian money abroad not recovered.”

The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton emphasized in her speech that Iran still poses a threat to Israel, it is necessary to subject them precise control.

While Republican rival Donald Trump that it would be difficult to undo the agreement said, but stressed that if elected president, “Vciecdd restrictions on contracts so as not to get any chance.”

The mention of the United States and Europe lifted sanctions on Tehran, but some are still standing, to prevent the return of Iran to the world markets.