Keywords: decision to cancel the duties and taxes will reduce the dollar exchange rate significantly

Keywords: decision to cancel the duties and taxes will reduce the dollar exchange rate significantly

19/06/2015 07:25 GMT

Keywords - decision to cancel the duties and taxes will reduce the dollar exchange rate significantlyBAGHDAD – and babysit – expect Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq on the Keywords, that lowers the decision to cancel the duties and taxes dollar exchange rate significantly, indicating, that the cell crisis and agreed on a proposal to delete the Bank of customs and tax to buy the dollar fees.
Keywords and said in a statement, “public opinion” received a copy of it, that “cell of the economic crisis, headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed to the proposal of the Central Bank of Iraq delete customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar, amounting to 8%,” adding that “the decision to cancel the duties, taxes and procedures the other will reduce the dollar exchange rate significantly. ”

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