Keywords: 70% of the bank’s sales are to cover foreign imports

Keywords: 70% of the bank’s sales are to cover foreign imports

27/06/2015 09:49 GMT

Keywords - 70 percent of the bank's sales are to cover foreign importsFollow-up – and babysit – Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords reported that 70% of central bank sales are to cover foreign imports to the country, noting that the goal of the bank is to support the private sector.
Keywords and he said in a seminar Institute progress of the policies of development, attended by the correspondent of the news agency public opinion (and babysit) that “the bank aims to curb liquidity in the market so that we do not have to print more currency,” pointing out that “the exchange rate must be flexible in order to keep the movement in the market “.

Keywords explained that “70% of the bank’s sales are to cover foreign imports.”

The Central Bank is working to reduce the exchange rate to maintain the rate of the Iraqi dinar.