Kerry: Iraq did not ask for more US troops, and we want the government achieved political stability

Kerry: Iraq did not ask for more US troops, and we want the government achieved political stability [Extended]

8.4.2016 17:07

Kerry - Iraq did not ask for more US troops and we want the government achieved political stability[Oan- Baghdad]
Foreign Minister John Kerry said on Friday that Iraq had not asked to increase the number of US forces in fighting al Daash efforts.
Kerry said at a press conference held at the US embassy in Baghdad , the capital , where he arrived this morning , “he met with Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, today he did not ask us to send a new US forces to help fight Daash,” stressing that ” the organization has lost more fighters, money and hundreds of armed men fleeing and hiding among civilians. ”
He added,” the days Daash few in Iraq, Syria , and we will succeed defeat, and we began to succeed in the field and with us not only going to win on Daash but the Iraqi people recover in and live in peace. ”
He said Kerry” Mosul occupies top priority and the process of editing an Iraqi – led and our role support the Iraqi forces , “adding that he” met with officials in the Kurdistan region during his visit to Arbil , and we support a united Iraq federally. ”
he pointed out that the United States” will help fund the reconstruction and stability of Iraq and we have allocated $ 600 million for this purpose and we will give 155 million dollars as a down payment of them , “he said . ” we are working with Iraq to provide technical support in the government multiplicity of economic resources orientation. ”
Kerry said that” US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden and I and the American people support the prime minister , who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the face of security and economic challenges. ”
he urged the Minister US Secretary of “all the Iraqi parties to unite to push forward the political process leading to the achievement of the hopes of the Iraqi people and we are ready to support the Government of Iraq and in any way possible as partners and friends.”
and the cabinet reshuffle expected in Iraq confirmed Kerry said his country does not interfere in this matter as an internal affair of Iraq .
he said the “likely reshuffle in the Iraqi government is an internal do not interfere with the affair , but Prime Minister [Abadi] explained to us that he has ideas in this regard , which communicates with all the political parties do, and we do not look any role here and this Almsoloah vested Balebadi and the government.”
However , US Secretary of State said , “but what Ohernah him and what hurt Bmsalehtna that there is political stability , efficient and unified government to the military operations are not affected in order to give confidence to the coalition of international and those considering support and restore stability in the communities and cities liberated, that the government is ready to work effectively for stability.”
He added “preliminary expressed Abadi is the conductor and I have no doubt that he focuses on that strong government will be able to address all concerns and outstanding issues.”
the Kerry that “Iraq did not ask us to intervene ministerial amendment to visit us today was planned in advance of any change in the government visited Iraq frequently to coordinate international efforts to combat Daash and ensuring the sovereignty and stability of Iraq and we urge all parties to put the interest of Iraq ahead of any personal interest or sectarian at this stage , we urge them to find a way for the Union to maintain the force in order to achieve the interests of the Iraqi people, and for America , we value the partnership built with Iraq on the basis of the sovereignty of the two countries. ”
he said” we support the Prime Minister and his government to confront the security, economic and political challenges and the Prime Minister to take decisions it has stressed that in light of the financial crisis faced by Iraq as a result of lower oil and their quest for prices to recover Mosul that the time has come to support unity major interest of Iraq. ”