Kerry: America does not have more time to lose in Iraq
Kerry: America does not have more time to lose in Iraq
FRIDAY, 08 AUGUST / AUGUST 2014 15:30
Twilight News / said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday that his country no longer has more time to move in Iraq with the expansion of Islamist militants stretch.
altHe said in a statement seen by “Twilight News” that “violence and terrorist campaign waged by organizing Daash against innocent people, is a serious warning incipient acts of genocide.”
The statement comes after Kerry passed President Barack Obama’s American air strikes “specific targets” against militants in northern Iraq Daash.
The Minister expressed American support for Obama’s decision, noting that the organization “Daash” not fighting on behalf of the year, as he claims, nor is fighting for Iraq’s most powerful, but quite the opposite, fighting to divide and destroy Iraq, and that the organization “Daash” not only offers chaos and destitution The pain and banditry.
Kerry pointed out that “there is no longer time inspecting the American administration in Iraq, in conjunction with the expansion of the humanitarian crisis,” and that the United States had begun their movements, and that the world is no longer able to sit back and watch innocent people being killed.
He noted Kerry, that “the campaign of terror waged by the organization Daash and heinous acts of violence, backed repressive ideology of the organization, all of which constitute a grave danger to the future of Iraq.”
He added that “the United States continues to coordinate with the international community and its allies in the region,” and urged Iraqi leaders to stand in a row, and the formation of a broad government, representing all the ingredients, in the shortest possible time.
He also warned that the organization “Daash” will be the sole beneficiaries of the continuation of adversarial politics.