Jubouri: We have no intention in alliance with al-Maliki

Jubouri: We have no intention in alliance with al-Maliki

Monday , 27 March 2017 at 12:51

Jubouri - We have no intention in alliance with al-MalikiBAGHDAD / Sky Press …

Denied House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Monday, there is no intention of the alliance with Nuri al-Maliki, noting that the relationship with the latter built on the basis of “friendship”.

Jubouri said in a televised dialogue followed the “Sky Press,” that “there is no intention of the alliance with Nuri al-Maliki,” stressing that “the relationship with al-Maliki built on the basis of” friendship “and Vice President of the Republic and the owner of an important parliamentary bloc no more.”

And on what witnessed the right connector coast Jubouri confirmed that “the committees of parliament began to collect operational information and will visit the fighting areas to assess the situation of displaced people,” adding that there is coordination with the prime minister to find out these problems. ”
