Jubouri: The Prime Minister and blocs agree on candidates technocrats standards

Jubouri: The Prime Minister and blocs agree on candidates technocrats standards [Extended]

09/04/2016 12:58

Jubouri - The Prime Minister and blocs agree on candidates technocrats standards[Oan- Baghdad]
Parliament Speaker Salim al – Jubouri called on Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi and political blocs to agree on criteria for selection of candidates for ministerial technocrats in the cabin , ” and warned at the same time” to overcome the temporal timings in the implementation of reforms. ”
The call by al – Jubouri , during his speech on the occasion of the Iraqi martyr after Sunday ‘s Office of President of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council Ammar al – Hakim and the presence of the President Fuad Masum and government Haider Abadi , with a number of political figures and diplomatic missions and bodies.
Jubouri said in his speech , “We warn against any attempt to jump on the timings we made ​​the Iraqi people , which requires from the Prime Minister and the political blocs to work together and seriously to reach a formula to ensure the achievement of the standards set by the prime minister in a government of technocrats, and ensure the participation and support of the blocks of this government. ”
He added , ” today we are in the most difficult and suffocation crises, and most forestry and sensitivity, which requires us great Tgerda of individual and partisan impulses to the national and popular interest. ”
He said the ” situation today need us more wisdom and prudence before taking any step and stage does not accommodate the re – trial twice and danger imminent and time is short. ”
He noted Jubouri that “these days , a comma and important in the history of the political process , and even the history of Iraq in light of the face of the most dangerous enemy of mankind Daash, and the risk of another is a difficult economic situation , which passes us and suffered all oil -producing countries with low prices.”
he noted , ” is also now face the risk of Sneak critics of the future of Iraq and attempts frantic to undermine the political process , which represents the building block foundation for building the state and the only hope for the establishment of good governance, and otherwise is chaos and fragmentation , God forbid , and as much. ”
he said the ” House of Representatives worked since the first day for the start of the reform project advocated by the people, and the his steps balance is always between what aspires to him the citizen and the required constitutional and legal frameworks in approach is not easy to believe that the council has conducted in cooperation with the political blocs in the spirit of national responsibility and sincere. ”
he Jubouri” wait with the next few days , the completion of the reform file and inclusive change of government that worked to make it a success according to the legal framework is clear, frank and transparent , “adding that” the relevant committees completed their evaluations and the remaining time required to accelerate to submit other names to ensure the completion of the process of change on time. ”
He stressed that” the reform process does not stop changes the operational sites, but also beyond to reconsider the methodology of building State and seek to approve the package laws enable us to achieve societal reconciliation prompt. ”
He called on the President of the House of Representatives to” give priority to the spirit of solidarity and national responsibility and get away from the systematic obstruction or give up and make the supreme national interest primarily to work at this stage and the dimensions of the current move from partisan goals narrow and seize the opportunity to transform the quality of the political process. ”
