Joint Operations: surround Aldoaash from all directions

Joint Operations: surround Aldoaash from all directions

4/13/2017 0:00

Joint Operations - surround Aldoaash from all directionsFederal police confiscated a thousand Katyusha rockets
¶ Intelligence announces the killing of terrorist leaders operating in «the states of the south and Baghdad»
Baghdad / morning Mosul / Sunrise Maher
Continue to roads on terrorist hideouts Daesh air strikes minutes and prosecution Flolhm defeated by road, which has become completely trapped in the little remaining from the right side which yesterday saw the destruction of tanks and plant booby-trapping and found amassed large rockets in the old city left by these gangs after the defection of its terrorists in front of the rush of forms of our continuous space without respite.
Arab women arrested Daashaat
The Joint Operations Command announced that “our units , with all its different forms encircling the remnants Daesh from all sides in the rest of the revival of the right coast, and that the anti – terrorism device forces broke the defenses of the enemy lines and penetrated deep into the random Tanak neighborhood.”
Correspondent “morning” as quoted by the leading device Ali Mohsen confirmed that the anti – terrorism forces stormed the neighborhood wells and the second was able to provide during the killing of about 17 Daashaa , including a suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt in the western axis of the coast itself.
He said troops also managed the center of the clashes waged in the neighborhood of six women Daashaat detention of Arab nationalities working in the so – called (Office of calculation) , while the Be Hidden away inside one of the neighborhood houses, pointing out that the machine forces continue to pursue these terrorists and impose Satrthaaly ratio of more than 40 percent of the second wells neighborhood , which is a haven for leaders and elements Daesh Arab and foreign space.
The anti – terrorism forces have recently freed the first neighborhood wells and re – citizens to their homes. Confiscation of 1,000 rockets , in turn, told the commander of Nineveh operations Maj . Gen. Najim al – Jubouri, email us, that the international coalition aircraft carried out Saturday night accurate air strikes on terrorist hideouts Daesh in the alleys of the old city center coast right preparation for the storm , which led to the killing of 26 Daashaa , including leading figures. He Jubouri that the nests of these terrorists are exposed to aerial bombardment flour in order to save the people of the old city from the oppression of the elements of this obscurantist organization who are the oldest , most of them to flee their neighborhoods at the Khazraj and the area around Al – Nouri mosque against the backdrop of intense bombardment that has paralyzed their movements, and expected starting to break into the rest of the alleys of the city process old and fully complete the edit as soon as possible and according to plan. In the meantime , according to the Federal Police team leader Raed Shakir Jawdat, that his forces found a large Amass missiles in the new door area within the Old City contains (1000) Katyusha and rocket (8000) valve collision and (100) bag chemicals used in packaging manufacture . Shell moves gangs in turn, revealed the media cell war, under the command of joint operations, the destruction of tanks belonging to gangs Daesh and a laboratory for the booby – trapping wheels aerial bombardment of Mosul in the right coast. She said in a statement that based on cell intelligence and information security operations (coming, Nineveh), do the Hawks Air Force several air strikes resulted in the destruction of a number of tanks , including one booby – trapped and other wheels carrying fuel inside a garage in the neighborhoods of Yarmouk and the revolution in the heart of this coast. The cell showed that the bombing also led to the destruction of the factory for the booby – trapping wheels in Ghanem Industry Zone Mr. within the western axis of the coast, a note that our sector shared with all its different forms engaged in extensive and ongoing military operations without interruption until the completion of the final victory cleared the right coast completely after the announcement release left coast late January past the natural life returned to him completely. At the same level, he said Brigadier – General in command of joint operations Younis al – Sharifi, the correspondent of the “morning”: that the Iraqi aircraft bombed the stores of weapons and ammunition in the industrial area west axis , which led to the killing of 14 Daashaa. Pre – emptive air strikes , receipts continued Air Force and based on the follow – up intelligence, long caches of terrorists wherever they Daesh. According to a statement of the cell war media, the intelligence agency of the Federal Investigation information, Hawks Air Force led to carry out a preemptive strike to target a large gathering of gangs Daesh in the village Shihan within the urban south – west of Mosul , the judiciary, adding that the raid resulted in the killing of nearly 15 terrorists among them three of the leaders they the so – called (urban security official, and his deputy) and (administrative officer) , the so – called (the state of the island) and wounding others who were planning to launch an attack on different regions. In a second statement of the cell media confirmed that the Air Force aircraft carried out under the Directorate of Intelligence Information Other strikes resulted in the destruction of Walker of the leaders of terrorist gangs and so – called (security headquarters Daesh) with the killing of a large number of terrorists among them Msaolhm security in the area of the district of Tal Afar Mahlbah. Also it destroyed another LEC completely destroyed frequented by the so – called (military commander) areas west of Mosul and Badush , along with the killing of many terrorists in the Hermat area within the north coast right. The killing of the leaders of “Daesh” In the meantime, the intelligence service, announced on Wednesday, killing and wounding six members of the “Daesh” bombing of the international coalition targeting an organization wheel, pointing out that the elements who were targeted occupy media positions in the states of Baghdad and the south. The agency said in a press statement: “Air Alliance International and based on accurate information from the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, carried out targeted the wheel carrying a number of affiliated gangs Daesh terrorist elements air strike , ” pointing out that the strike resulted in the death of “terrorist (Abu Hagar Ghurairy) , which serves as a media in the so – called state of the South and the terrorist (Abu Ibrahim) boycotted the media Hamzah in the so – called state of the South and the terrorist (Abu Khattab), in addition to the killing of two other elements. ” He added that the device “strike also resulted in the injury of another terrorist named (Muhannad Majid Abbas , alias Abu Saif) and holds the position of media in the so – called (state of Baghdad).