Jeb Bush: to Daash did not exist in the time of my brother .. and Obama gave up on Iraq

Jeb Bush: to Daash did not exist in the time of my brother .. and Obama gave up on Iraq

Thursday 21-05-2015 | 9:21:43

Jeb Bush - to Daash did not exist in the time of my brother and Obama gave up on IraqTwilight News / said candidate for the US presidential elections in 2016 Jeb Bush, said that the organization “Daash” terrorist did not exist when he was his brother George W. Bush, the post of President of the United States of America, pointing out that Obama gave up when he ordered Iraq to withdraw.

He continued pocket in his speech by saying that “al-Qaida in Iraq completely wiped when my brother was president, of course, mistakes have been made in Iraq, but has been turning the country to stability, although it was still fragile, and the current president can build on that which would have prevented the existence of Daash “.

He added that “the suggestion that the withdrawal from Iraq choice was good, that’s what the politicians, but not the leaders, and this is done by the President when he gave up on Iraq, which is wrong, remember there are soldiers who gave their blood in Ramadi, but they managed to win the that battle, but this stability has now. ”