Jaafari and Chalabi and al-Maliki and Hamoudi holding a meeting to choose the prime ministerial candidate

Jaafari and Chalabi and al-Maliki and Hamoudi holding a meeting to choose the prime ministerial candidate


Jaafari and Chalabi and al-Maliki and Hamoudi holding a meeting to choose the prime ministerial candidateBAGHDAD – Iraq Press – July 20: source revealed on Sunday, that will hopefully be an important meeting to be held today at the home of the President of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, in the presence of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and three important personalities within the coalition.
He added that “the President of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari will hold a meeting at his home, in the presence of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi and MP for the mass citizen Hamoudi,” noting that “the meeting includes the selection of a candidate for prime minister in the new government and to provide his name to Parliament “.
The new House Speaker Salim al, had to adjourn the meeting to a third, on Wednesday, adding that “the parliament session will include a vote on the presidency of the Republic, in addition to the discussion of the general budget for the current year.”
As pointed out that “the nomination for the presidency will be open to all citizens, starting tomorrow, Wednesday and for three days,” noting that “the position of President of the Republic is not restricted to the political blocs.” A finished. H
