Iyad Allawi reveals a new alliance between al-Baghdadi and al-Qaeda

Iyad Allawi reveals a new alliance between al-Baghdadi and al-Qaeda

Tuesday April 18, 2017 at 13: 10 PM

Iyad Allawi reveals a new alliance between al-Baghdadi and al-QaedaBAGHDAD / Sky Press:

Vice President Iyad Allawi said on Tuesday that the organization Daesh began to hold talks with al-Qaeda to set up a possible alliance, at a time to narrow it down by the Joint Iraqi forces in Mosul.

Allawi said during an interview I followed “Sky Press,” that “his information obtained from regional sources familiar with Iraqi affairs Iraqi sources.”

“The discussions between the two organizations began as a dialogue going on between Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the organization Daesh and representatives of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda representatives.”

Allawi said that even if the organization has its territory in Iraq, it will not leave easily, adding he did not expect “the organization evaporates Daesh in the air” and that he “will remain in the form of sleeper cells spread his poison around the world.”

Zawahri criticized the organization Daesh in more than one occasion publicly because of the methods that included beheadings, dumping and burning, where he devoted the conflict between the two groups since rejected al-Zawahiri Daesh orders to withdraw from Syria in favor of the victory front late in 2013.

Swept through the organization Daesh large areas of Iraqi cities in June 2014, where the organization’s leader Abu Bkralbgdada declared the “caliphate” on the territory dominated by the organization of Al-Nouri mosque in Mosul.

The General Command of the Armed Forces announced on 17 October 2016 for the start of the start of the battle of the restoration of Mosul, with the participation of army troops and federal police and the backing of the Peshmerga and the crowd popular guards and Nineveh forces, supported by air by the Iraqi aviation and the international coalition led by the United States of America, where he managed troops joint of the entire left side areas recover from Mosul on 24 January, and then began on 19 February last military operations to restore the right side of the city, to take him out of his last stronghold in the country.
