It was disrupted due to the political impasse.. The most prominent parliamentary investment laws during the new semester

It was disrupted due to the political impasse.. The most prominent parliamentary investment laws during the new semester


It was disrupted due to the political impasse.. The most prominent parliamentary investment laws during the new semesterInformation / special..
The Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealed, on Saturday, the most prominent laws that will be passed after the legislative recess of the House of Representatives, while confirming that the industrial investment law will be voted on after its second reading at the beginning of the next legislative term.

Committee member Hussein Al-Sabri said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that “the most prominent laws that will be voted on in the coming period is the industrial investment law after the second reading that will take place at the beginning of the next legislative term,” stressing that “the reason for obstructing the passage of this law is the political blockage and incompleteness.” The quorum for the previous sessions.

And he continued, “In conjunction with the Parliamentary Economy Committee, work has begun to pave the way for approving the mineral investment law, which is of great importance to Iraq in the future,” noting that “there are many parties that will participate in completing the law, which is of great importance to Iraq in the next stage, the most prominent of which is: the General Union.” Iraqi Industries and Baghdad Chamber of Commerce.

He pointed out that “the committee began working to solve the problems of lagging projects in the governorates for the purpose of completing them in the coming period,” adding that “work began with independent bodies to find out the problems that these projects suffer from.”

It is worth mentioning that the political blockage that Iraq witnessed in the previous period and the delay in forming the government after the parliament sessions were disrupted caused the failure to pass many important laws that the parliamentary committees were working on, and work on them has been resumed according to importance.