It is not a conflict thousand years, Lord Obama

It is not a conflict thousand years, Lord Obama

January 23, 2016

It is not a conflict thousand years - Lord ObamaUS President Barack Obama did not elaborate to talk about the Middle East situation in the Union speech Addressed to the American people, it has a proud accomplishment there is nuclear with Iran, which leads him to the world peace as a draft agreement, but the war project in our world. Among the little that he said contained a dangerous phrase should then stop frequently, and even build around policies, you should know whether it is just an opinion himself do, or is it a translational to the other and become American policy, and that when he described what is going on from a dangerous shifts in our world that «is rooted in a conflict that dates back to a thousand years ago.»
The gravity of that that Obama is not a lecturer at the University, but the President of a superpower is responsible for the Middle East disasters including committed her hands in it and what will be, it is inter deform the reality of the conflict and Takhtzlh in sectarian exist only in the minds of extremists from the Shiite and Sunni, as is the struggle of freedom, and the desire of the peoples of Arabs want a world better than the one that collapsed and still fall apart.
Immediately after we finished his speech, he rushed many Western scholars who are interested and knowledgeable in the Middle East to refute his term, saying he is not a thousand-year conflict, but in a contemporary conflict that began yesterday. Regardless of who initiated, Iran Btaiviha and expansionist desire, or we reject it, or the rebels who took Arab world want better five years ago at this time, Obama is completely wrong in his analysis.
He had already described the conflict Btaivi in ​​his speeches or press interviews, does this conviction explain the reluctance to intervene, leaving the region including the boil and crumble? Is this the reason for lack of interest in human rights violations that take place every day, which amounted to a range using the weapon of starvation, not only in the Syrian Madaya, but in more than 24 towns and villages in the revelation that shattered the country, but so far Taiz in Yemen! It is before then fled quickly from the obligation imposed on the same day Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against his own people in clear violation of international legitimacy?
Obama lean on the «sectarian conflict» is expected of him, a cultured and Arif history of the region President, is it a justification for inaction, which Salahakh Historically, Vozmat the Middle East will not expire at the end of his term, what we are seeing is only the beginning, and when he writes history will bear it and blasted the responsibility of what happened from killing and displacement, of non-intervention as the intervention of his predecessor Bill Clinton in Bosnia, for example, but it disrupted wishing to intervene until raged situation is complicated by the entry of the Iranians and »Hezbollah» and the Russians after them, while Obama merely repeating «Bashar al-Assad phrase has lost its legitimacy.» Even if Saudi Arabia did not make up its mind in Yemen and go to him, for today was a case of if Syria.
Or is it has a real conviction, as if to say to us «this sectarian Asraatkm which Tlahakkm a thousand years ago Vhloha yourselves» ?! That were so, this requires action diplomatically and intellectually from the future in the region forces to refute and dismantle the structure, so as not to settle policy American equate Maazavi such as Iran system and the system of the future such as Saudi Arabia, had to rely between them and those who live with the mentality of secret calls in the Middle Ages based on the expansion and annexation, conspiracy, assassination and Alastbahh and moves in region lens sectarian Exchange, not lined but with followers of the sect who are willing to serve the project, not interested if they were dictators like Bashar al-Assad and Ali Abdullah Saleh, or divisive such as «Hezbollah» in Lebanon or «Ansar Allah» in Yemen factional party, turning a blind eye altars and their crimes, do not see in Hedmam mosques, or massacred civilians anything wrong as long as they are the sons of the doctrine of the violator.
Yes, Saudi Arabia is one of the leading region today in the face of Iran, but they do not do so out of a sectarian, will Obama find any Saudi official says his country is leading a year in the region, or agree to wholesale blockbuster that «what is happening in the region is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia , which is leading the Sunnis and Shiites, which is leading Iran. » It’s completely the wrong phrase, and we must resist the temptations of Riyadh, some enthusiasts because spearheading the year, it is the beginning of a fall in sectarian solve Iran who wish to soak in it, we are the biggest of the range, we are a nation.
The kingdom believes in the sovereignty of States, has refused to intervene in its affairs, does not export revolution, nor followed by a party, let alone that supports the armed militia, ignorant who say that Saudi Arabia supports the Sunni extremists simply because they are drenched such as Iran in alignments sectarian stupid inconsistent and the future, and to respond to it easy, that Sunni extremists are criminals in Saudi Arabia, one of them even he returned to his fate was to arrest and trial, while extremists Shiites celebrated their heroes if they return to Iran! Of kills from Mtpartyana does not care about doing one, and kills them celebrated martyrs and deplorable in the newspapers and crying out in Shiite mosques.
It is not a conflict thousand years, but the conflict began on ignoring the Western world, led by Obama, weapons and training, which he enjoys «Hezbollah» as long as it is addressed to Israel, followed by ignoring the torrent did not stop the Iranian cargo planes taking off from Tehran loaded with weapons and militias and hate to Damascus over the past five years, did not Adnha Mr. Obama or encountered his troops knowing the date of arrival itinerary and the type of weapons they carry and census killers where, objected only when suspected of being a threat to Israel, but as long as it is directed toward the people of Homs, Aleppo and Madaya, there is nothing wrong, This division Dazy!
It is a conflict began on the world kept silent on the militias «People crowd» against civilians in Ramadi, Diyala and all of Iraq, after the US pave them land the aircraft, and they facilitate the elimination of «Daash», as if every year Iraq «Daash»!
It is a conflict began on minted Americans questioned in Saudi Arabia information that Iran is sending weapons to Yemen, but away even Nigeria.
Such as a total for the year one thousand conflict, the cradle of her Obama saying «as a person starts his day the report of the intelligence brief, I know that the risk of time, but not for the decline in American power or super future force, we are threatened today sinister Bambratoriaat less, and threatened more failed states, the Middle East goes on in the midst of Sttwald shifts throughout the life of an entire generation, rooted in an extended conflict dates back to a thousand years ».
This is not a conflict thousand years, Lord Obama, at least not from our side, the forces in the Middle East look more to the future, you want to rebuild the countries that I have described truthfully as a failure, and it will take a whole generation as Omar said. These forces abandoned, but it did not live that conflict, which it described as a clash of the millennium, because it is the Islamic nation, stretching from Indonesia to Morocco, is moving towards modernity and democracy, and refuses to be a future crown jurist Iranian claims to rule on behalf of God, or Khalifa «Daashaa» shared the same allegations.
Jamal Khashoggi