It is likely to resume parliament sessions at the end of this week

It is likely to resume parliament sessions at the end of this week


It is likely to resume parliament sessions at the end of this weekInformation / Baghdad..
Independent MP Mohsen Al-Saeedi suggested, on Sunday, the resumption of the regular sessions of the House of Representatives at the end of this week to discuss and approve a number of important laws.

Al-Saeedi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, “After the end of the legislative recess, it is possible that the Presidency of the House of Representatives will set a new date for the resumption of regular sessions at the end of this week.”
He added, “The new legislative term will witness discussion and approval of a number of laws, in addition to discussing important issues, including the exchange rate of the dollar.”
Al-Saeedi indicated that “the parliament will make up for what it missed during the previous legislative term in the new legislative term,” noting that “the new legislative term will witness the committees proceeding with legislative procedures for laws and proposals.”
A member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Aref the lawyer, confirmed earlier in the day that the legislation of important and controversial laws is subject to political consensus.