Israeli aircraft dropping drone near Baghdad airport

Israeli aircraft dropping drone near Baghdad airport

08/28/2014 20:07

Israeli aircraft dropping drone near Baghdad airportFollow-up – and babysit – revealed security reports about the downing of a drone of the type of Israeli-made Hermes near Baghdad International Airport, while the American embassy sent a team to collect the wreckage and transported to the embassy, ​​but the Iraqi army declined to talk about the subject.
According to the reports, that “the plane that was shot down today similar to the one downed in Iran a few days ago, and that the cause of the crash and shooting down the side which is still unknown,” pointing out that “the Iraqi army declined to talk in this matter.”

He continued that “Iraqi forces wanted to work to determine the causes of the crash, but the American Embassy in Baghdad intervened and was attended by a dedicated team to the area of ​​the crash, and collect the wreckage and transferred to the embassy.”

It is noteworthy that the projection plane is the third incident in two days after dropping Hbehtan in Iran and in Gaza another Israeli intelligence failure
