Israel reveals her arrest US participated in a plot to assassinate Obama

Israel reveals her arrest US participated in a plot to assassinate Obama

10 Hours Ago 12/10/2014

Israel reveals her arrest US participated in a plot to assassinate ObamaRoudao- Arbil

revealed by the Israeli authorities, for the arrest of a US citizen last month, plans to implement the right of Muslims operations and targeting of the holy places for Muslims in Israel, in addition to the attempt to assassinate President Barack Obama. According to Israeli radio site that “the General Security Service and the police were arrested last month, a US citizen Adam Eviks called for suspicion of planning to commit terrorist attacks against the holy places of Muslims in the country. ” He added that he “was investigated in this case in cooperation with the American Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI, note that for Eviks, who lives in Israel’s violation of the law is wanted in his country for suspicion of committing crimes drug-related. ” It quoted security sources did not identify that “Eviks which was before that resides in the Palestinian Authority had received an offer from Palestinian activist to participate in a plot to assassinate President Barack Obama during his visit to the country last year, but he rejected the offer.”