Is Abadi resign from the “call” party because of Maliki

Is Abadi resign from the “call” party because of Maliki

Publication Date 07/11/2014 09:35 AM

Is Abadi resign from the call party because of MalikiLeader of the National Alliance warned cracked Dawa Party because of the refusal of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the waiver of the current Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the post of secretary general of the party.

The leader, said that al-Maliki boycotted almost all the leaders of the National Alliance, and kept the marginal links courtesies only for the purpose of official appearances, believing that the coalition leaders had betrayed him when he did not insist on his inauguration as prime minister for a third term,

And Hdhirmn Maliki continued putting obstacles accidentally Abadi Prime Minister may pay to the resignation of the Dawa party, especially that is known for his lack of strong attachment to Balthzb