Iraq’s geographical location and its natural resources the focus of attention of all countries
Member of the economy: Iraq’s geographical location and its natural resources the focus of attention of all countries of the world economically
14-03-2013 10:33 AM
Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP / National Alliance / Hussain Salman Mura’bi initiative Iraq to provide Egypt with crude oil as ‘good’ because it will serve the economies of both countries and promote mutual cooperation in all economic fields. said Mura’bi (of the Agency news): The geographical location of Iraq and its natural resources owned by assisted on to be the focus of all countries of the world is connecting the Gulf to Asia, Europe and even Africa, prompting Egypt prefer to import oil from Iraq without another country. added: that Iraq’s agreement to provide Egypt with crude oil is a positive initiative and pour the interests of the two countries, because it will strengthen their trade and economic at various levels and sectors such as tourism, industry and agriculture, and this joint work will help to absorb unemployment plaguing the two countries. This was Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to provide Egypt with crude oil after the visit of Prime Minister of Egypt with a government delegation comprising a group of ministers and businessmen Egyptians to Baghdad last week, for the purpose of promoting economic cooperation between them. / end / 8. n. p /