Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization attention of experts and stakeholders and specialists were divided between supporters to join the contestants about the importance of this to join or not.

Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization attention of experts and stakeholders and specialists were divided between supporters to join the contestants about the importance of this to join or not.


In an interview the morning with expert competent and responsible file World Trade, Ministry of Commerce Abdul Salam Abdel Hafez Qaisi to shed lights on the main advantages and disadvantages of this accession. tariff is not affected Qaisi believes that WTO accession will raise the rate ceilings imposed on the importation of certain goods and to the removal of tariffs, as some believe, denying be joining damaging the domestic industry because the WTO agreements give Iraq the right take the necessary measures to protect its industry national in the event of any physical damage or damage caused by foreign products, competition.

continuing its relationship with economic and explained Qaisi also join Aymanah of keep trade relations with all Arab countries in the framework of establishment of a free market and that under Article 24 of the year 1994. and on the question about the most important challenges posed by the organization on the business community.

said Qaisi: imperative that the private sector quickly understand the rules of the World Trade Organization in various fields and deepen the culture to find out the fact that the advantages and rights provided by pointing to the possibility of converting the advantages offered by the agreements governing the Iraqi private sector to export opportunities effectively by increasing the ability of Iraqi products on access to foreign markets while making the product Iraqi more quality and less expensive.

economic partnerships and called for the need to overcome the competition with the products of foreign companies that enter into the Iraqi market freely and fees كمركية or less free of charge, pointing to the importance of hold economic partnerships with foreign companies to attract more investment and technology. cautioned Qaisi the need to create mechanisms between the private sector and the government in the framework of their partnership to deal with any negatives that may result from the implementation of the obligations of Iraq in front of the organization and transfer speed point of view of the private sector both in terms of the results of the implementation of commitments or For the position of negotiating for Iraq in new issues before the Organization. cadres trained and pointed out that WTO accession will be accompanied by the preparation of cadres trained in the private sector so as to deal with any business practices illegally exposed to Iraqi products in the domestic market or international, such as dumping and support the illegal or monopolistic practices .

said Qaisi also will work to create and promote a partnership of a new type between the private sector and the consumer Iraqi explaining that the substance of this partnership is to agree interests of both parties by encouraging the purchase of national products. expanding ranges of choice , said Qaisi said of the advantages of joining expand the areas of choice in front of the citizen as a consumer of goods and services and confirmation of his right to a commodity and a good service at a reasonable price, as well as consumer protection products fake and shoddy or harmful to health, pointing to increased employment opportunities in front of job seekers from citizens after the increase of exports and expand investment will also increase the volume of economic activity in general, and improve living standards and reduce poverty rates.

and seal Qaisi his speech by saying supposed to are not taken to deal with the World Trade Organization in isolation from the private sector, commercial and industrial because it is affected by the direct positive or negative rules of the organization and to identify the point of view of negotiating positions and deliver complaints faced by exports in the markets of member states to the government and work resolved amicably through the mechanism of settlement of disputes in the organization.

lack of local producer while see a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP Qusay F likelihood of damage to the national economy when Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization because of the lack of local producer competitor.

pointed F in a press statement to Iraq Now is an observer member of the WTO, and there are negotiations by the Ministry of Commerce to obtain permanent membership but the organization has imposed obligations on Iraq for the purpose of access fully to it. 159 countries + Iraq , hinted in his speech that the country is not formatted economically to enter the WTO in time current, and if joining there will be an impact on the economy due to the lack of local produce, whether industrial or agricultural competitor for foreign products, and thus hinder the revival of local industry and the advancement of the agricultural sector, and Iraq remains dependent on imports of Foreign Affairs. believed to F that the non-activation of economic laws the task that has been legislation in the House of Representatives, including tariffs and protection of the national product which functions to facilitate the accession to the WTO will delay this accession.

discuss the files completed , the Ministry of Commerce has announced that a delegation headed by the Minister of Trade Khairallah Hassan Babiker will participate in the meetings of the Organization later to negotiate Iraq’s accession to the Organization global trade, which includes in its membership representatives from relevant Iraqi ministries and private sector entities to negotiate with the (159) state member of the World Trade Organization, where the files will be considered accomplished by Iraq as part of his career to join this organization. Iraq has been trying for years to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) in order to improve his trade and economic. Organization has imposed several things on Iraq in order to join her as Iraq seeks to be applied gradually and an end to all the benefits of it.