Iraqi intelligence reveals information about the location of al-Baghdadi

Iraqi intelligence reveals information about the location of al-Baghdadi

2019/6/4 14:32

Iraqi intelligence reveals information about the location of al-BaghdadiBaghdad: Al-Furat News, director of Iraqi military intelligence, director of Baghdad’s security center, Major General Saad Mezher al-Alak, announced that a terrorist gang leader is present in the border area between Syria and Iraq.
“The information indicates the movement of the terrorist, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in the border areas between Syria and Iraq, especially the area of ​​Homs, the Anbar desert, the Baaj region, the urban and the areas of Manayef and rocky, as well as the Iraqi triangle Turkish-Syrian, being areas free of military sectors” .
“We have information about the existence of sleeper cells for gangs in the remote villages and outskirts of cities and some residential areas of Iraq, where they were ordered by the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the need to shave beards and integration with the civilian population and the creation of additives away from the eyes of the security services, but military intelligence Have a lookout. ”
He explained that “terrorist cells can not return the activity of the terrorist organization to liberated areas as before, because of losses suffered by the security forces through the battles, and killed most of the leaders of the organization, psychological and moral break, but a supporter has become dependent on the implementation of attacks on cells The sleeper in the centers of cities and terrorist detachments, which take from the desert areas safe havens and make them areas of terrorist operations. ”