Iraqi Foreign Minister Zebari: CBI might keep tired under Chapter VII for four more years
The Iraqi Foreign Minister on Friday, the likelihood of the survival of Iraq under the provisions of section VII for another four years, because the survival of three files under the provisions of this chapter relate entirely to Kuwait, while the renewed trust of Iraqi funds depends on the capacity of Iraq to protect its money, banking and financial situation of Iraq “, set the” Although “we dream big and great” country.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in an exclusive interview to (run), “there is no veto Iraq prevents UN from out of the provisions of Chapter VII, as some believe, that Security Council resolutions are binding on all States, not only Iraq, must be implemented and applied by everyone.”
Is subject since Iraq (1990) of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, imposed after the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s regime, the State of Kuwait in August of the same year, this item allows the use of force against Iraq as a threat to international security, as well as to freeze large amounts of stock in banks to pay compensation to those affected by the invasion, and it prohibits the import of equipment that could be used in advanced military industry.
And Zebari said “Iraq is out of the majority of the provisions of Chapter VII and binding decisions of the Security Council in areas such as leaving a weapons of mass destruction and disarmament, sanctions and blockade and the oil-for-food program,” he said, adding that “these files are governed by more than 60 international decision of the Security Council, all of which were completed during the past years.”
Zebari stressed that the remaining decisions impeding the exit of Iraq of the provisions of this chapter are “decision required Iraq to install international land and maritime borders between the two countries and we are now, and the second is Iraq is required to pay 5% of oil sales in compensation to victims of the invasion, Yasser’s confrontational effects of Kuwait, and called for war reparations, and Iraq has prompted tremendous and we are willing to pay the rest over the next three years, the third aspect is the humanitarian file on the missing and prisoners of war and Kuwaiti property and this also Among the provisions that have been imposed on Iraq Chapter VII. “
The Iraqi Foreign Minister said, “I think that Iraq could pay the whole balance of 13 billion, we if we can pay it all today or tomorrow we will emerge from this file means that if the Iraqi Government will pay this amount was fully this year will close this file, if you do not pay the amount and payroll deductions from Iraq each year part means that after three or four years before we met.”
The Foreign Minister said “we have made a major diplomatic effort with members of the Security Council, with Russia and Kuwait, that we are committed to implementing the provisions of Chapter VII, it is not reasonable to keep Iraq governed until we find another Kuwaiti prisoners or missing or remains, it means that Iraq will remain forever under this chapter, the Kuwaiti side to understand this, we concluded the mandate of the Special Coordinator, who follows and reports to the Security Council, and we are now working on another coordinator not returned and had discussed with the Kuwaiti side, they Understanding. “
And “so we now walk the rest forward and there is a time and international reports to the Security Council, we believe that came out Iraq from Chapter VII not only certain things, so we won the battle, the battle of Iraq concludes wars and invasions, blockades and sanctions, not only things and is also in the process of final processing.
In another context, the Iraqi Foreign Minister during the (range) that “the issue of lifting the guardianship on the Iraqi funds annually based financial capability”, but said “sometimes we dream we a great country but put Iraq financial and banking and Central Bank is tired.”
Zebari said “we are free and we can raise our guardianship on those funds, we can keep it, as the United States maintained its claims on that money,” he said, adding that “the issue of renewing the Iraqi decision of guardianship must be Bush himself.”
The Iraqi Foreign Minister, speaking to the (range) “because of the many requests for the country of persons and companies, we want to provide the greatest possible protection for such funds, Iraq does have a lot of money in several banks, with the existing base amount in the United States.”
Provides extended protection of Iraqi funds deposited in (Development Fund for Iraq), protection of those funds from any fake or real lawsuits by companies and individuals, and provides support for Central Bank funds, the proceeds of Iraqi oil, which is an important artery for the Iraqi economy.
The establishment of the Development Fund for Iraq DFI in May 2003 by the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority and has been recognized by the United Nations Security Council resolution 1483 and following the dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority in June 2004, the US Government was mandated by the Government of Iraq to manage the Iraq Development Fund, funds available for reconstruction projects, and the u.s. Department of Defense, Department of the Fund on behalf of the u.s. Government, the delegate had been withdrawn as of December 31, 2007.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, on 25 June, the Committee to protect Iraqi funds abroad to clarify the fate of more than 17 billion dollars were confiscated, seized or dragging them from the Development Fund for Iraq since 2003 as soon as possible, calling on the Iraqi authorities and the u.s. Government to provide the necessary support for the success of its mission.
With the Parliamentary Commission on integrity in the 20 of June, losing $ 17 billion dollars for the Iraq Development Fund during the period of Civil Governor Paul Bremer, describing the period as “many mysterious and corruption”, referring to send a request for the United Nations to investigate and recover stolen money “.
And the head of the Office of financial supervision by Abdel Basset Turki in the Parliament session held on 18 April last, the waste of more than 17 billion dollars of Iraq funds during the administration of former US civil administrator Paul Bremer.
The u.s. investigator said Stuart Bowen, mid-June, the disappearance of 6.6 billion dollars of reconstruction funds in Iraq eight years ago is that they may be stolen, describing it as “the biggest heist in the history of America, noting the existence of a third investigation of the fate of those funds.
The Finance Committee in the House of representatives earlier said during a meeting of the Council on the initiation of prosecution of an estimated $ 40 billion from Iraq vanished during the US civil administrator for Iraq.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced, on 6 December, the United Nations has promised to expedite the end files related to lift Iraq from Chapter VII, and that Iraq has fulfilled all its obligations and only issue with Kuwait, stressing that they, in turn, on its way to solution.
The (UNSC) Council was likely to support Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations, at (11/11/2012) United Nations to vote to lift Iraq from Chapter VII over the Iraqi-Kuwaiti request, confirmed that Kuwait had informed international cooperation of Iraq fully in this area, stating that the Kuwaiti Prime Minister’s visit to Iraq will be early next month to sign the final Protocol, while Kuwaiti MPs welcomed Iraq’s exit from international sanctions, stressing at the same time that debt implications need to be approved by Parliament to repeal or reduction.