Iraqi facts reveal the date of publication of the financial budget law for 2018

Iraqi facts reveal the date of publication of the financial budget law for 2018

25/03/2018 06:16

Iraqi facts reveal the date of publication of the financial budget law for 2018Trend Press – Baghdad

The director of the Iraqi fact sheet, Shatha al-Tai, said on Sunday that the federal budget law of the country should be published this week, pointing out that the delay in publication was caused by not sending a letter from the presidency.
“We have prepared the federal budget law for 2018 and waiting for notice from the presidency of the republic invites us to publish the draft law,” Al-Taie said. “It is likely that the notification will arrive during this week.”
“Article 73 of the Constitution, third article, pointed out that the injustice of the non-ratification of the President of the Republic, can be published after 15 days, but this matter is linked to the poetry of the Presidency of the Republic invites us to publish.”
“We have published previous laws that were not ratified by the president of the republic, as in the unified card law, which was published 15 days later,” she said.
It is noteworthy that the President of the Republic, Fuad Masoum, refused on (March 13), to approve the budget of 2018 and returned to the House of Representatives to review its content because of the existence of 31 violations of constitutional, financial and legal clauses, according to the presidential statement in this regard.

The House of Representatives voted, in its session held on Saturday (March 3, 2018) on the federal budget for the current fiscal year boycotting the Kurdish deputies. ”