Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 6-3-2013

Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions/guesses! 6-3-2013

Iraqi Dinar Guru predictions... HELP!6-3-2013 Newshound Guru BGG I am glad this meeting [national meeting] was a “success”. However, I will be far more convinced when Maliki actually starts implementing the things he’s previously agreed to… Allawi did not attend this meeting. He’s had enough of the “hugs and kisses”. Same with Sadr. They don’t believe Maliki will do anything different…They don’t have a “racism or sectarianism” problem. They have a politician problem.

6-2-2013 Intel Guru Frank26 RD is now in country to go from 1166 to 1……… To 1000 to 1 to then get to an RI of 1 to 1 in country and out so an RV can take it to 2 or 3 plus outside only. It would behoove You to memorize this. It stays at 1000 to 1 until they LIFT the 000’s in country…LD’s are for in country usage as we outside will cash in the 000’s BUT ……… LD’s can come out at 1 to 1. At 1000 to 1 it would not work…..Maybe at 500 to 1 but IMO …….. 1000 to 1 is …… PERFECTO for computors that talk to each other…

6-2-2013 Intel Guru Bluwolf …all is still on a correct path with no obstacles in its way. In Iraq all is transpiring well and many overwhelming announcements have been placed by there officials. On our part things are still pushing forward and it will come into effect swiftly and definitely in a silent approach.

6-2-2013 Newshound Guru Stryker A very interesting Sunday in Iraq today…Biden continues to push for a solution of the crisis to be that Iraq divides into three provinces, Shiite, Kurdistan and Sunni. Also a symbolic meeting was held yesterday at the office of the Islamic Supreme Council between PM Maliki and Parliament House Speaker Najafi after the two had harsh words publicly the last few days. It was said that the meeting exchanged peace and love…they [these meetings] could be a real breaking point to resolve Iraq’s crisis…June should be a very interesting month for us dinar holders if we can just see them work together and prepare for Parliaments return the middle of this month and so far it has been very interesting first two days.

6-2-2013 Newshound Guru Phoenix3333 {Iraqi Dinar and U.S. Dollar .. Confidentiality measures to revive the dinar against the dollar}…This article states next month .. we believe that it is the month of June (not next month) Also, related articles. {Iraqi Dinar and the Number 120 (121) .. Baghdad Struggles to Halt Devaluation of Iraqi Dinar .. the dinar dropped against the dollar from 1,200 to 1,300, widening the gap against the official exchange rate by 121 dinars.} A plan to raise the exchange rate of the dinar in June! different source same info. Confidentiality measures to revive the dinar against the dollar.
