Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-19
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-19
9-7-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So our path for the CBI to reintroduce the coins is here. We just have to wait it out and see when they do it. We know that this is a very good step in the right direction… So, in the past I have said that in 2011 the CBI came out with the process of to “delete the zeros” and clearly defined what they had to do to get there. Well…we are almost there and it has been almost a decade since to complete the process. But we are not home yet…The process clearly states that they will delete the zeros (as we have seen in recent articles they are about to do) by launching the “smaller, yet smaller category” notes. …This step we now know also includes the coins (as they also just told us). …So, when the smaller, smaller categories do come out they will have to adjust the CBI rate…
9-7-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “SHARE OF KURDISTAN RISE TO MORE THAN 17% OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET” So the Kurds for now get what they wanted to survive yet another budget. But this is NOT over until parliament passes the “referendum” required by the new 2005 Iraqi Constitution… Read my lips – ARTICLE 140 IS NOT DONE UNTIL A LAW IS PASSED…So they absolutely must get this referendum passed or this will continue on for ever and ever for each of the years budgets! ARTICLE 140 IS NOT DONE!
9-7-2019 Intel Guru Frank 26 …there are banks in the US 48 continental states that have signed agreements with the Central Bank of Iraq to represent them…when you walk into a bank…pick a name. 53rd, Key Bank, BOA, JP Morgan whoever. Pick a bank. And say, ‘Listen, I’d like to exchange my dinars.’…there will be a dedicated window in these banks or there will be a room just for that…I know of one where they converted an old Western Union into one of these private banks…those [banks] that did agree…they [the CBI] sent them a dinar…the ones that are coming out. The back didn’t have anything. The front said “sample”…in my opinion these satellite banks will be opening within the next 2 weeks…they will be exchanging the dinar…I believe they will be open to the public within 2 weeks…
9-6-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If you go back and look at the IMF Article IV Consultation from this year that came out in June, the IMF encouraged the CBI to begin more training programs. We are now seeing an abundance these types of training or seminars throughout Iraq.
9-6-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ My paymaster still wants to be home this weekend…funds are absolutely there and they just need the release to send them to us. He says the public should be in the banks no later than on the 10th or 11th…Actually in there with currency in their hands. It may not be what we wanted…we wanted funds for the weekend…but it’s what we got.
9-6-2019 Newshound Guru larrykn I really wouldn’t worry about a LOP…that is just not going to happen, its been in many articles someone is just trying to stir the pot.
9-6-2019 Intel Guru Frank26 [Guru] Walkingstick told us that the next thing that we as a team are looking for is for the picture of the small category notes and the coins that would be equivalent to the new small category notes 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100…soon a flow down of visual aid pictures is going to go to the banks. From the banks to the tellers. From the tellers to the citizens…IMO these pictures are timed for release now due to the success of the massive campaign that has well educated the citizens…these photos are the final evidence of the reinstatement that is to come…
9-6-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “IRAQ HAS DECIDED TO APPROVE THE RATING AGENCIES THAT HAVE THE CRITERIA ECAI” Quote: “The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq has decided to approve the rating agencies that have the criteria …(ECAI) emanating from the decisions of Basel, to classify the financial institutions in Iraq, namely: Standard & Poor; Moody’s; Fitch Ratings; Capital Intelligence” …this is a WOW! article and tells so much about how they now view their banking system. Folks they are about to compete with other international currencies on the open global trading platforms. Why else would they be so concerned about their ratings from these four agencies? How many times have they told us already this is the plan?…