Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-7-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions9-7-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Quick story, and we’ve never related any stories, till now: Last week, I spoke to a Divisional Exec. VP, at one of the Top 5 Banks in the U.S., about what their internal process is looking like, right now. Answer: “We’ve been moving key, specially trained Wealth Management-Type Personnel, new & old, around to areas where we know lots of new opportunity, wealth and investment will soon present itself. Some of these people, have even moved across states, for these new opportunities. We’ve geared up professionally, for the upcoming events, and especially for our Top Tier Clients, existing and future. Everything is in place and we’re waiting for these new opportunities to emerge shortly.”

9-7-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 …keep a close eye on Mosul, after Thursday. Alak’s missed steps are coming into focus be ready for some good news later in the month regarding stability and security. Watch CBI actions not the words spoken by others…not the RV but that of which surrounds it.

9-7-2016 Intel Guru SteveI Article: “Training staffs in preparation for the launch of loans” Quote: “The Central Bank has allocated nearly 6.5 trillion dinars for lending to projects.” There is sure lots of great news articles this week. [Really trying hard not to get excited. It’s like that roller coaster when you’re climbing to the top of the first hill and your tummy starts getting “butterflies” in anticipation…] I feel like you…close to the top with lots of excitement. Now all we need to get Mosul done with great days ahead.

9-7-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie [they were talking about putting Amnesty law in the Gazette in a day or 2… they are holding it off?] YES…SO RATHER THAN RESCIND THE ENTIRE LAW…THEY ARE ADDING AMENDMENTS PRESENTED SEPERATELY AND THEN WILL POST NEW LAW WITH AMENDMENTS IN GAZETTE…

9-7-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce The CIPS system is a brand new system hooked up to a super computer in China and also it us hooked up to two new satellites that China put up. We have the CIPS system and the IEX system, internationally exchange system. Connects all the trading platforms around the world, various exchanges hooked up to the IEX now. The CBI did connect to the IEX and they did post their new rates to that system which we understand the banks have a few days ago. The banks were showing those rates. I don’t know the new rates are, but substantially higher than they were previously. Our turn is just about here. We are in good shape…any day now. I really don’t think we will go beyond this week. We are in high expectation.

9-6-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke The timeline has not changed. Last week of SEPTEMBER, is when Official, Public Rates, substantially move up for the Iraq Dinar. 1st Week of October is when ANYONE can exchange their Dinar, if they choose. It’s the 3rd & Final part of the “Plan”. Here’s our Disclaimer: In our Belief…Opinion, Guess, Possibility, Maybe, Perhaps, Prediction, or whatever else you want to add to these words…2016 is the final year, that Iraq will be forced to continue a low, program rate…Drop ALL your logical timelines, happenings and events, folks. This is Why: The people of Iraq are NOW being paid. This is Why you don’t see any riots & uprisings right now, and haven’t been for a few weeks. They’re being satisfied, because the money is finally flowing…

9-6-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke The U.S., U.N. & IMF (in that order), will NOT allow Iraq to move this rate up to an accurate and sustainable rate, UNTIL the ISIS element (mainly certain people), are out of the picture completely. That’s just about completely done. This is why the program rate has been stuck where it has for so long. The moment this substantially increased rate is made public, EVERYONE will know about it. 2016 is the Year, and SEPTEMBER is the designated month, with the money moving EVERYWHERE, the last quarter (or 1st Qtr. for the U.S.). There’s a little more time…just a little. If something seriously different becomes important, we’ll chime in.

9-6-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Central Bank announces bank equip Rafidain and Rasheed dollar ” Quote: “The Central Bank of Iraq, Tuesday, for processing bank Rafidain and Rasheed dollars to expand the cash sales outlets.” This just means they are liberalizing the foreign exchange as the IMF requests in the SBA making dollars more available. A condition to reduce the spread and get within 2%. The ultimate goal..compliance and move to Article VIII. The auction can’t go away until that happens. These moves were all documented earlier this year. It just take time for the CBI to do them. Now we watch and see if the spread comes comes down as a result.

9-6-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat So today let me point out to you yet more signs that tells us about my recent claim for a possible RV in the window of Sept thru Jan 2017. First we know that Iraq has worked very hard to get to a point where they can quality for “full” ascension to the WTO. Right now they are in “observer” status. They can attend meetings, get trained, get help and share their issues but they do not yet have all the benefits nor take on all the responsibility and rules of a member nation. But this is all about to change as the IMF us telling us…that Iraq is about to get “full” status. But first they must complete some mandated reforms… Article quote: “revealed that Iraq is a candidate for accession to the World Trade Organization, and as pointed to the need for the Iraqi government some major reforms…” But this is not the only good news…

9-6-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat …they are openly talking again about the dinar and the new lower denominations. This is exactly what we want to hear at this point in time. The project to delete the zeros is ongoing… So why do you think they have launched the e-dinar? Think about it – how much more of the hard currency will be out of circulation in just a month of using e-dinar and not having people walking around with bulging pockets of paper notes? I firmly believe this is going to be the tipping point for getting to the ratio of currency they want to remain in circulation. It is the final step in this direction of collection of the large 3 zero notes, at least enough so they can launch the lower denoms. Remember too that included in the launching of the lower denoms is also coins. These metal coins can not be circulated without a significant increase in value…

9-6-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Mnt Goat This is what they mean with the CBI and finance committee claims they will slowly, gradually launch the new denominations. They are talking about initially launching some paper currency (the new lower denoms) and then later, after an RV, launching the new coins. This is the process. …another good topic today, that of the very recent announcement of the Central bank’s (CBI) intention to issue a new edition of 100,000 dinars category to the market. This is what we do know as FACTual – the CBI has told us the 50,000 and 100,000 notes are the last remaining large notes to be issued in currency reform. These notes are NOT FOR PUBLIC USE on the everyday streets as they are for inter-banking transactions (between nations) where larger notes are needed (international trade…hint..hint..hint..). So is it not a logical conclusion they are getting close and preparing for some kind of major change such as an “international” rollout of their currency thus going from a “CLOSED” economy to an “OPEN MARKET” (or global economy)…this means going to FREE Global/ International markets.